
Our Services


This entails the restoration of normal life after addiction recovery, long-term or incapacitating illness, accidents, or imprisonment. At St Nicholas Rehabilitation and Nursing Home, we offer the following; rehabilitation, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, etc.

Drug Addiction/ Drug Abuse Rehabilitation

We specialize in drug rehabilitation which is the process of medical or psychotherapeutic treatment for dependence on psychoactive substances and street drug

Psychoactive substance includes;
  • Alcohol
  • Prescription drugs
Street drugs
  • Cannabis (marijuana/bhang)
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines

We help the patient seize substance abuse to avoid psychological, legal financial, social and physical consequences that can be caused by extreme abuse. We also help the patient to overcome various psychological disorders such as;

  1. Anxiety disorders.
  2. Depression, bipolar disorders and other mood disorder.
  3. Eating disorder.
  4. Personality disorder.
  5. Post-traumatic stress disorder.
  6. Psychotic disorder.
  7. Antisocial disorder.
drugs drug
  • Orientation and application-This is where the intended client is familiarized with the whole process and given guidance on how to enroll to the rehabilitation center. The intended client is also given information on the application requirements to apply.
  • Intake appointment-This is the interview process that serves verify substance abuse
  • Eligibility determination-This is a process where we determine if someone is really qualified for the services being offered.
  • Admission and assessment-At this stage, a record of the client's history is provided followed by physical examination and a complete psychological evaluation.
  • Co-occurring disorder and dual diagnosis-this is where symptoms predating a specific mental disorder and substance abuse or any kind of addiction is diagnosed. Such includes depression ,anxiety and others
  • Individual treatment plan-This is where the course of treatment is outlined and defined. It delineates the goals, objectives and resources of an individual
  • Detoxification- this is the process of removing addictive substances from the body under medical supervision
  • Treatment plan-At this stage, a detailed treatment plan is given to the patient and the they are engaged in the treatment process. The plan includes, clients information, diagnosis prescriptions and measurement objectives
  • Inpatient/outpatient and partial hospitalization.
  • Therapy –this includes, rehab therapy, individual therapy, family therapy and occupational therapy.
  • Employment services-St Nicholas Rehabilitation Center aims at avoiding relapse at all cost hence we find out what the clients are skilled in after completing the rehabilitation process. We offer them direct or indirect employment, as well financing their talents and business enterprises. At this stage, we partner with RITI Association’ a project of St Nicholas rehabilitation and Nursing Home to achieve the best results.
  • Aftercare services-This is a follow up treatment stage to ensure an individual doesn't relapse and stay focused on his or her recovery. This is done by group counseling, advising on sober living and being joined to a support groups.

We have a skilled and knowledgeable personnel consisting of nursing aides that provide the best medical care. Our nursing home operates daily on a 24 hour system. The facility also offers hospice care for the critically ill, patients with chronic sickness, HIV/Aids or the disabled as well as custodial care for routine tasks such as bathing, getting dressed, eating and so on.

Other important services offered are as follows;
  • Room and board- this is where meals, home stays and medical care is offered around the clock
  • Monitoring and education- patient activities are monitored closely hence give proper advice to help in recovery
  • Personal care
  • 24 hours emergency care
  • Social and recreational activities such as games which include, football, chess, drafts, netball etc and entertainment activities that include, watching motivational and educational movies, music that create positive impact to a client. We also encourage patients to participate in group talks to encourage each other. We also have a library services for the avid readers.
  • Health related issues such as chronic pains diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, weight

This service involves counseling on the 12 steps to recovery. There are various types of counseling offered which includes; addiction counseling ,child counseling, family counseling and psychological counseling, mental health counseling , substance abuse counseling education counseling and marriage counseling.

The experts on counseling are keen in following the stages of change which are;
  • Pre-contemplation - This is where the patient has not yet come to terms with the fact that he or she needs help. This can take up to six months because the patient is unaware of his or her problematic behaviors. The counselor encourages the re-evaluation of the current behavior and self –exploration so that the patient is given a clear picture of how their behavior is harmful.
  • Contemplation - This is where the pros of behavioral change become known to the patient and he or she focuses on it. Then the counselor encourages and promote positive outcome as required.
  • Action -This is where the patient practice the acquired positive behavior usually between 3 to 6 months depending on their improvements. The counselor encourages social support, bolsters self-efficiency for dealing with obstacles and helps the client to combat their feelings of loss to reinstate long term benefits.
  • Maintenance - This is where the client has accepted and made a positive change in their lifestyle and is working to avoid relapse. The counselor make a follow up on the client to avoid relapse, reinforce internal rewards and plan a way forward after counseling sessions are over. This can take up to 5 years.
  • After care -The counselor evaluates the triggers of relapse, reassesses motivation and barriers to successful full recovery and plan stronger coping strategies.

We deal with diagnosis prevention study, treatment and management of mental disorders. Such mental disorders includes;

Psychological disorders

Examples are; adjustment disorder anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post –traumatic disorder, phobia/fear, somatic symptom disorder and insomnia.

Addiction disorders

This is a brain disease manifested by obsessive and excessive substance use. The substances abused includes alcohol, prescription drugs, cocaine, heroin marijuana or bhang and etc. The symptoms of substance abuse include strong cravings to use the substance abused , social relations problems where one loses focus on important societal activities and drug withdrawal symptoms.

Neurocognitive disorders

Neurocognitive disorders such as dementia, stroke, traumatic brain injury, schizophrenia borderline personality disorders and Autism spectrum disorder

Other Disorders
  • Other psychological disorders which are anger management issues, grief and bereavement, relationship issues, stress and burnout.
  • V.C.T Services

    Our specialists are skilled and knowledgeable on how to counsel and carry out HIV/AIDS tests. We follow the following procedure, i.e.

    Pre-test Counseling Process
    • Reason for testing
    • Symptoms or the presence of risk behavior
    • Imparting basic information on HIV, including HIV transmission
    • Personal risk assessment. It is undertaken to understand the nature and time course of behavioral risk
    • Feedback of possible results in relations to personal risk assessment
    • Assessment and discussion regarding capacity to cope with potential positive results
    • Assessment of potential support requirements
    • Development of a personal risk reduction plan
    • Provision of HIV test information
    • Informed consent
    • Follow up arrangement for collection of result and other referrals e.g. STI treatment
    Post Test Counseling
  • Counseling for HIV negative patients
    • An explanation of the test results including information about the window period for the appearance of HIV antibodies and a recommendation to re-test in case of a recent exposure
    • Basic advice on methods to prevent HIV transmission, including avoiding the use of non-sterilize needles syringes or other injecting equipments
    • Access to drug dependence treatment and its effectiveness
    • Guidance on the use of condoms, safe injecting advice( if possible, an appropriate supply of condoms, sterile needles/ syringes and other commodities should be provided)
    • The appropriate time for follow up test, based on the risk assessment and ongoing risk behavior.
  • Counseling for HIV negative patients
    • Inform the client of the results simply and clearly, and give them time to consider it.
    • Ensure the client understands the results.
    • Allow the client to ask questions.
    • Assist the client in coping with the emotions arising from the test results.
    • Discuss immediate concerns and assist the client in determining what social network will be acceptable and available to offer immediate support.
    • Describe follow up services that are available in the health facility and in the community, paying special attention to OI/HIV treatment, PMTCT, and care and support services.
    • Provide information on how to prevent the transmission of HIV, including provision of sterile needles, syringes and condoms, and guidance on their use.
    • Provide information on other relevant preventive measures, such as good nutrition, use of co- trimoxazole, profylaxis and, if appropriate insecticide treated bed net and OST.
    • Discuss disclosure of the results – when and how this happened, and to whom.
    • Encourage testing and counseling of partners and children.
    • Provide advice on other pathological test that may be appropriate (such as for live function. hepatitis B and C serology, pregnancy, X-RAY, sputum for acid-fast bacilli [AFB]).
    • Assess the risk of violence, drug overdose or suicide, and discuss possible measures to ensure the physical safety of clients, particularly women who are diagnosed HIV positive.
    • Arrange a specific date and time for follow up visits of referral to treatment, care, counseling, support and other services as appropriate( e.g. screening for and treatment of TB, prophylaxis for OIs, STI treatment, contraception, antenatal care, OST, hepatitis B and C screening, and access to supplies of condoms and sterile needles /syringes).
    • Consider introducing the client to relevant team members who may be involved in future care.

    Counseling psychology is a specialty within a professional psychology that maintains a focus on facilitating personal and interpersonal functioning across the lifespan of an individual. The specialty pays particular attention to emotional, social, vocational, educational, health related and developmental at organizational consent. At St Nicholas Rehabilitation and Nursing Home, we are befitted to offer this course and majorly deal with addiction counseling to produce the best counseling psychologists who can work well with individuals and groups to improve their mental health, encourage clients to discuss their issues, examine issues to do with substance abuse and alcoholism, bullying, depression and many other psychological issues.

    Technical Training

    Technical training--This training is offered to our clients only to help them gain skills and knowledge which will in turn increase their employability tendency hence avoiding relapses

    Secondary Education

    Secondary education--This is also offered to our clients especially those who dropped out of school. This reassures the client of their continuity of education during the rehabilitation process.